Durov Announces Telegram’s Plan to Tokenize Stickers and Emojis as NFTs on TON Blockchain

25 views 2:10 pm 0 Comments May 16, 2024

Speaking at the Token2049 event in Dubai, CEO Pavel Durov revealed that Telegram is planning to facilitate the tokenization of stickers and emojis as NFTs.

During his address at the Token2049 conference in Dubai, Telegram’s co-founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, unveiled the platform’s upcoming initiative to tokenize stickers and emojis. This move will empower users to own these digital assets as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and potentially earn revenue by creating and trading them.

Durov emphasized Telegram’s commitment to decentralization and blockchain technology, highlighting the platform’s pioneering efforts in tokenizing usernames and anonymous numbers. This innovative feature has already generated \(350 million in sales, with creators receiving 95% of the revenue. Notably, Telegram initiated the auction of unique usernames in 2022, with premium usernames like casino.ton fetching prices exceeding \)200,000.

Furthermore, Durov expressed the team’s ambition to explore new horizons beyond the current success. He emphasized the vision for socially relevant NFTs deeply integrated into human culture and communication. By tokenizing Telegram stickers, the platform aims to create NFTs with immense viral potential, transcending traditional boundaries.

Illustrating his point with an example, Durov showcased a sticker featuring a smoking duck, originally designed by a Telegram artist. This sticker evolved into a popular meme and cultural phenomenon, garnering millions of views beyond the Telegram ecosystem. Durov speculated on the significant value such NFTs could have accrued if tokenized earlier, surpassing the gains from anonymous numbers.

In a strategic move, Telegram also plans to tokenize emojis, expanding the concept to potentially include sticker sets and emoji sets as meme coins. Durov underscored the necessity of leveraging blockchain technology, particularly The Open Network (TON), for the scalability required to process millions of transactions seamlessly.

In parallel, Durov outlined Telegram’s commitment to blockchain integration, emphasizing the benefits of decentralization for users, channels, and content creators. The platform introduced ad revenue sharing, where channels receive 50% of the revenue, facilitated by TON for seamless payments and withdrawals. Additionally, a new revenue-sharing model called Tips for Creators will offer creators 70% of the revenue generated.

This strategic shift towards tokenizing stickers and emojis aligns with Telegram’s broader vision of embracing blockchain technology to empower its community and enhance user engagement.

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